
I work Cold Case Homicide. I pray with dead saints. I search diligently for faith. Sometimes I find it.

Location: Decatur, Georgia, United States

My wife and I raise our four children and one Basset Hound in Decatur, Georgia (the Berkley of the Southeast.) I graduated from The Citadel, and am a former seminarian. I work Cold Case Homicide for a prosecutor's office in Atlanta.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Day #2 and I'm still writing.
Last night, we had to go to the "last chance Mass" due to the bicycling emergecy aforementioned. I was going to take the two older kids, but Will (3) was just begging to go. I knew he would fall asleep about 10 minutes in, and sure enough, as soon as the homily started, he was out (no offense, Monsignor!)
How can you not take a kid to Mass when he's literally begging to go?
My wife joked that I "caved" to him (which I sometimes accuse her of too, really, who hasn't at some point?) But, if there were ever a time to cave, it's when one's three year-old is at the point of crying to go TO Mass...


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